Originally Posted By: fathersson

The new problem is we have gone from wanting to ban all AUTOMATIC war like weapons to banning everything that is semi automatic or anything that LOOKS like one.

People aren't killed by a pistol grip or a folding stock or a muzzle shield.

I agree, these guns that she wants banned are all SEMI automatic weapons. You pull the trigger and one shot is fired. They are NOT Full automatic assault weapons, they are the semi auto versions that might look like them, but do not perform like them.

Whats the difference between a semi auto Uzi and a Glock pistol. Both fire a 9mm round and are semi automatic weapons. It's just that the Uzi looks much more sinister but they perform the same. You can actually get a 30 round mag for the Glock just as you can the Uzi. Ok maybe you can get a bayonet for the Uzi and not the Glock but thats about it. You can kill just as many people with that Glock as you can the semi auto Uzi.

An AR15 might look like a M16 but again, it's a SEMI AUTO weapon, same with all the AK clones.

It seems that this is leading to a eventual ban on all semi auto guns and that the powers to be want just bolt action type weapons to be legal, the kind you have to work the bolt with each shot. At least as far as rifles go, but i'm sure they'll get around to semi auto pistols next. Don't kid yourself, i truely believe that is their ultimate goal.