There shouldn't be gun restrictions by gun type, but restrictions to the people who CAN'T own them. Those are mentally ill people and people with a criminal record.

First of all, before the gun is bought, the person needs to be checked, who is he, why he needs a gun, is he mentally stable, does he know how to handle the gun(not to shoot himself in the foot).

Once that is done, the gun's are needed a safe way to be put in. I don't know how it's in the states really, but in Latvia it's obligatory to have a safe, which is attached to the floor or wall, that no-one can carry away it. The police comes and checks it if it's right.

WHAT DOES IT CHANGE IF YOU GIVE AN IDIOT A PISTOL INSTEAD OF AN AK?! Maybe he'll shoot less people with the pistol, probably he'll have more pistols instead. It doesn't change shit if you keep giving out these guns to idiots.

And restricting those types of guns won't stop from them being on the street. USA is full of criminal organizations that will be willing to get more into the gun business. So, this will not stop criminals getting guns.