Originally Posted By: Frank
Originally Posted By: BordertownResident
Originally Posted By: Frank
i can t understand why there are so many kidnapped guys. How s it possible?

Unfortunely, kidnapping for ransom has always become a lucrative criminal racket in Mexico for decades but it used to be run by kidnapping for ransom rings or gangs in southern Mexican states but Mexico city is notorious for having really sophisticated kidnapping for ransom gangs. It wasn't until the late 1990s and early 2000s, where the Los Zetas instigated into going into the kidnapping for ransom rackets which broke the "code" the drug traffickers have kept for decades. For decades the drug traffickers in Mexico had moral rules and a drug trafficking code per say of not harming the public in any way. This meant no extortion, no kidnapping per ransom and no killing of the rivals family. Even to this day, kidnapping per ransom and extortion have a lot of stigma attached to it among drug traffickers they use the words "extortionist" and "kidnapper" as to slander their rivals. That's why you see in body dumps with a note card saying "For being an extortionist and kidnapper" even though the guy might most probably be a lookout or retail drug dealer. You guys seem to paint all of the drug trafficking organizations with one brush but there is a huge difference between how the Los Zetas, Gulf Cartel and Sinaloa operates. I am not saying they are good guys or anything.

I was not meaning about kidnapping for ransom. I talk about the guys of the videos, kidnapped and then killed in brutal ways in front of a cam.How do they get caught? Maybe they are disarmed. Normally if u see an enemy u shoot to him or run away and if u try to run away u probably get a couple of shots.

They have paid eyes and ears everywhere which are called "halcones" or falcons, their main job is to be lookouts and pass intel to the "central" about positions and routines of security forces, suspicious activity, rivals etc. Then they dispatch the "estacas" or cartel soldiers in SUVs armed with aks and locate the vehicle, position or house of the alleged rival or suspicion. The cartel soldiers sometimes work in cullision with the municipal police to do these types of operations by having the police block the streets, turning a blind eye or just simply the cartels use cloned police uniforms, ID , vehicles etc. Here is a video of a common kidnapping of an alleged lookout for a rival cartel.
