

Paolo Renda’s case: Judge turns down wife’s request to have him declared dead
He was apparently abducted near his home in northern Montreal on May 20, 2010

JANUARY 23, 2013 12:03 PM


During the hearing at the Montreal courthouse it was revealed that Renda’s family was informed, “by lawyers,” that he appeared to have been abducted by two men posing as police officers. Construction workers told police that a black car with a removable siren on top apparently caused Renda, who was out on a conditional release while serving a 2-year sentence, to pull over as he drove along Gouin Blvd. W. in his Lexus sport utility vehicle.


In her decision, Roy described some of Rizzuto-Renda’s testimony as unsupported hearsay. The judge noted the construction workers were not called to testify and no one from Correctional Service of Canada was called as a witness to say, as Rizzuto-Renda testified, that Renda was warned his life was in danger when he reached his statutory release date weeks before he disappeared. Roy also noted Renda’s wife claimed that he had a credit card and that it has not been used since he went missing but brought no evidence to support this....