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Court refuses to formalize the death of Paolo Renda
La Presse
Posted January 23, 2013 at 7:03 am | Updated at 7:04 am

The mafia Paolo Renda, brother of Vito Rizzuto, has not been seen since May 20, 2010. But there is not enough evidence to declare it officially dead, as requested by his family, ruled Superior Court yesterday.

According to Justice Claudine Roy, the testimony at the hearing by Mr. Renda's wife, Maria Rizzuto, was "strewn with hearsay and vague in many places." No documents or testimony has confirmed his statements.

"At best, the evidence establishes that Mr. Renda has not seen his wife and daughter since May 2010, but it does not sound so certain death, or the circumstances to conclude that it" has the judge noted in his decision.

A declaratory judgment of death may be made seven years after the death of a person. It is possible to get it before when death is certain. "Circumstantial evidence must relate to the death itself. The absence of a person is only one element of the evidence," said the judge.

The woman disappeared, Maria Rizzuto, and their two children, asking for a declaration of death because they are certain that Mr. Renda is dead, they have to deal with things and move on.

Mr. Renda was among the leaders of the Italian Mafia in Montreal. He was on parole at the time of his death, which occurred in broad daylight while he was preparing to return to his home. His car was found in the afternoon near his home, boulevard Gouin, and four steaks he had purchased for the meal was on the bench. He has not been heard from since and has never used her credit cards. Ms. Rizzuto also told that their nephew, Nick Rizzuto Jr., was assassinated a few months ago, and his father, Nick Rizzuto, suffered the same fate in November 2010. At that time, the brother of Maria Rizzuto, Vito, was imprisoned in the U.S. for murders committed there over 35 years. He recently returned to the country.