Originally Posted By: SilentPartnerz
I have exchanged letters with murdered Philly mob member, Long John Martorano's son- George Martorano. George is locked up for life for a truckload of pot. No parole! Ever! They got him on the kingpin statutes that came about in response to the crack epidemic in the 80's. He is in FCI Coleman, Florida. Although George was moving heavy amounts of drugs -several differnt varieties- the authorites were heavy handed with the sentence. It is assumed that the FED was trying to get George to roll over on his father. Or, get Long John to turn states to save his son. Neither scenario happened, and George got slammed. I think the 25+ years he has already served is more than plenty long enough. He should be set free.

The feds were trying to get Cowboy to flip on his father and also they are convinced Cowboy was one of the 2 shooters that took out Chelsais "Steve" Bouras at Meletis Restaurant. They believe George and Frank Vadino were the 2 hitters. Might of been a 3rd guy waiting outside but the 2 guys that entered the restaurant were Cowboy and Vadino. Vadino died a few years ago so George is the only one left. I think it's very possible George was trying to earn his button that night.