Originally Posted By: Skinny
Well i agree with you to a extent but you see my point. And johnny blue is with Tona Borelli. The reason you may be confused, is because he is like the entire states layoff book haha. A lot of guys from different crews are his sub agents.

You may very well be right about Defroscia being with Borelli. But this goes to my point about hearsay on the internet. A guy on another forum said he "heard" Johnny Blue was with DeVita. This has happened a number of times where a guy will hear one thing and another will hear something else. Hence, my usually relying on more official/sourced info.

As for the pernas and the M&Ms, yeah they were picked up in that case, but ralph wasnt. At least i dont think so. Mike P always had more pull than Ralph, but still. Plus there is their dad. I cant think of an indictment hes been in, but i know he has been making book and taking numbers sinces the 50s/60s. That big bust in 07 was his fathers book, and Mikes before that. Most of NJ has heard of the Pernas before either of those cases, and knew they were active. Mostly because they had literally thousands of customers.

No, you're right. Mike was involved in that case but not Ralph.

Larry and Ninny are two different crews. Palumbo isnt with Ninny either (as ive seen on some charts). And yeah Joe, ive heard the same thing.

Any idea who Palumbo was acting for when he was indicted as an acting captain back in 2009?

Also, where does this information come from that Dentico is retired? It's certainly possible (he's near 87 I think) but as late as 2009 he was said to be on the family's ruling panel.

As for the thing with QDs son, like i said i disagree. These articles are making it out like "Cold Blooded Mobster Dom Cirillo Has Son Killed". Just like ive said ive heard different.

I don't have a problem with you hearing different. That's fine. I just think you should say what you heard. Not say, "I heard different but can't say anything."

Last edited by IvyLeague; 01/22/13 07:09 PM.

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