im from london. i have never heard of any presence of the italian mafia in the uk apart from fugitives in the news. my mother used to tell me stories about what the mafia does to people to deter me from the life that a lot of my family took. that is the only presence ive ever known of the mob, through stories designed to stop me from entering a life of crime. the uk has a huge gang presence with serious crews in all major cities. from ldn to manchester to newcastle. a firm that were huge in ldn and the uk were the north ldn addams family with so many murders under their belt. they structureed their family on the mob and were v successful. they even franchised their name to drug dealers. growing up a lot of people feared these lot. to say ldn is not bad is crazy. i have 1 cousin murdered, 1 cousin jailed for 15 years for heroin dealing after beating a murder rap, 1 cousin 8 years for ammunition possession drugs and more, 1 cousin in jail for gbh. huge crime presence in ldn, heard many a murder war story from each of these lot. stories of bullets flying past their heads, them shooting bosnian drug dealers in the chest, executions over girls, chopping someones arm off with a machete that owed him money used to have me eavesdropping on conversations whilst at my uncles house years ago. funny who you idolize as a kid! thats the black underworld ive known which is quite organised. the turks have a big presence also. i remmeber many an execution over drugs amongst them. 1 sticks out in my mind - a motorbike pulled up to his range rover with his wife and kid with him and executed him with shots to the head. think that was in 2009 in tottenham - big turkish drig dealer. anyways im ranting now lol