Originally Posted By: B_A_
Originally Posted By: jonnynonos
From what I've read Chicago would have had the biggest reason to hit him. It was Chicago who won the election for him and it was Chicago they turned to for help with the Bay of Pigs and the assassination attempt on Castro. Then they had the audacity to sick RFK on the lot of them.

There is also not much doubt both JFK and Giancana were sleeping with both Marilyn Monroe and Judith Exner.

Russo's book is pretty good. Like I said, he does use some lousy sources, including "Double Cross," which is an obvious piece of garbage, but he also went out and did a LOT of interviews with people who were there.

I forget his reasoning for saying that the mob actually had nothing to do with the hit, but remember thinking it was fairly persuasive at the time.

Originally Posted By: conopizza
though I believe numerous people were thinking about it...

Carlos + Santo, likely with rogue CIA encouragement, made the Jack hit happen. Waaaaaay too much bad juju in 1960s New Orleans to explain away as coincidence, not to mention Bobby K. jumping Carlos' ass to Guatemala. A balls out move for sure... though at what cost?

The question which needlessly confuses people (not here but folks generally) is that YES, Lee Harvey Oswald ** could have been ** the (or a) shooter ** AND there was a larger conspiracy.

Interesting also how G. Robert Blakey was both RICO law mastermind/advocate and leading critic of the Warren Commission Report.

I think this debunks that for once and all: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=888638

Interesting. Binder is about the best there is. All I can say is this paper was published several years before Russo's book. If one were really interested they could compare the arguments. I'm interested in this stuff but not that interested!