So, some of you may or may not know about the Deli I used to work at? Business got really slow, we couldn't afford to restock the shelves, customers stopped coming in, and it just got to be a generally depressing place to be for 8 hours.

Well, towards the end, my boss and his family ran away to California... somewhere in LA. They left his wife's parents to run the store, because it was legally in their names. Well, they couldn't afford to pay any of us, and that place was like a family.. so none of us got paid for the last couple months of work, with the promise (signed on paper and notorized and everything) that we would get paid as soon as they sold the store.. They'd use that money to pay us.

Well, my check finally came in yesterday. They sent it back home, because they don't have my address here in Morgantown.

It was for $522.. My mom said she was going to keep $360 to pay a month of my rent around Christmas time (I paid the first 4 months of rent, and now I'm broke)... But anyway, she said she was going to keep that much and deposit the rest of it. I was pretty pissed that she was keeping my money away from me, but whatever. So then she calls me and tells me she deposited $52, and that she'll give me the rest little by little.. in, like, 20 dollar incriments. Because she thinks I'll spend it all.


She won't give me my money. Even though I'm starving down here, and eating (hopefully) one meal a day.


That's the end of my story, I just needed to vent.

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club