I have two small dogs, who are an important part of the family. Without exception I get a rousing greeting from them when I come home from work. I can understand the devotion to dogs and the level of rage over this incident, which is expressed in this thread.

My wife, who grew up with allergies to cats and some dogs, was raised without pets, but relented to getting a puppy when my daughter was very young and wanted one. It took my wife about three days to fall completely in love with the dog. It was her idea to get a second dog a couple of years ago.

Last week I came home and saw that my wife had just baked biscuits and I started eating them. She stopped me and told me they were homemade dog biscuits. After eating three of them, I didn't feel any different, but I drove to work the next morning with my head out the window, and stopped three times to pee on fire hydrants.