i would like to point out that not all liberals are tree hugging,hash-pipe smoking,karma loving,pussy ass,'idealists'.i am a liberal.i am also catholic. my veiws dont match my partys.or my churches. for example, i could give a fuck about gay marriage.let them be happy. i know where i stand,i aint no 'fence jumper'.lol. people who oppose it are homo phobic clost queens or are too sheltered to be allowed to participate in society.i think abortion needs to be different regualations,but not out lawed. i agree we need to help those in need,but there is a limit.if you follow me. i am pro death penalty.i disagree with the 'insanity' plea. that kid.lanza, hes not going to die. he will plead insanity. most people think you have to be insane to do such a horrid act. i agree.i dont care if he is albert einsteen or a bumbling retard.he needs to be put down for the good of society. 'who are we to play god'?is a common theme. shit ill do it. give me the needle ill squirt it in his fucking eye.i disagree with this new law on gun control cuomo just signed.i really dont have any basis to,seeing as im a multiple felon and all of our guns are in my wifes name,but regardless,i feel it constricts the law abidinding gun owners,while is done nothing to stop the actual gun violence.seven rounds in a clip?what is that going to help? we still own the 'glock' magazines with seven teen.which is illegal now. if you are some shit head.on the corner and you already have a illegal gun,are you really going to follow this new law and only by lower capacity magazines?every one in n.y. knows to get a gun.you just drive to virginia. but shit.i dont even have to do that! i remember when i could make a phone call and get a ingram.full auto, with a suppressor, fora grand or two.and you know what?i have before! it is the same make and mdel i did a year in arthur kill for in the eighties.you think this law i going to stop some one from getting a gun of the street?take the marbles out of your fuckin head.