what a fucking joke that legislation is! forget the whole "assault weapons" argument, most of us already know what side of the fence we are on that one. reduce magazine capacity down from 10 to 7? is that the new "reasonable" number? funny that they arrived on 7, seeing how almost any semi-auto rifle holds more than 7. the m-1 garand, a ww2 rifle, holds 8. most varieties of an sks, 8. basically, its a backdoor way to outlaw ALL semi-auto rifles, they count on people not knowing that. that is for all guns, including handguns, not just the "assault rifles" that destroy every living thing that moves. so is a handgun with the capacity to hold more than 7 rounds now an considered an "assault weapon"? to people unfamiliar with guns, almost every single semi-automatic handgun has a magazine with the ability to hold more than 7 rounds, so this is nothing but basically a ban of most weapons period by default.

oh, but wait, they will allow current guns to be grandfathered, funny how in that article they don't mention the option that they have been pushing for: making it illegal to transfer the weapons. guess what that means? when you die, don't even think about leaving it to a family member, the government gets it. and with no new weapons that fit this twisted criteria allowed to be privately owned, within a generation the overwhelming majority of weapons will be gone. during that transition period, they will undoubtedly cram even more restrictions down our throats. for people who say they don't want all your guns, look deeper into the effects these laws have. how long until they move onto bolt-action deer rifles, and try to classify them as sniper rifles? this makes me sick!

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!