TIS, it seemed like Jodie Foster was kind of making a statement about how it wasn't really the business of the public to know about her sexuality - sort of a non-coming-out speech, I guess. As I watched it, I too was wondering if she'd already come out before, or if this was a set-up for a joke, but it seemed to be a commentary on privacy, with her saying she'd already had the discussion with her loved ones and that it didn't need to be addressed so publicly. The parts addressed to her kids and her mom were really touching.

I really liked the bit that I heard of Lena Dunham's actress speech. I've never seen her show or even known of her, but I love when winners pay tribute to the other nominees and thought it was sweet that she said all the other ladies had gotten her through tough times with their work.. and she seemed very real in everything she said.

P.S. I love Tina and Amy!