Originally Posted By: Gotti
Does anyone know much about this guy? and did people call him Fat Tony to his face?

I´m not sure exactly what you are looking for. But his FBI files, in 9 parts consists of investigative files between 1956 and 1966. Sadly they stop there. As of his nickname, nobody called him Fat Tony to his face.

Not meaning to fuel the deabate on here about Salerno was the boss or not, but note what the FBI say now about his status in the Mafia. "Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno (1911-1992) was a member of the Vito Genovese La Cosa Nostra organized crime family." Not that he was the boss.

Gotti, go here


click on any of the 9 parts, click on the pdf symbol located right beneath the actual file and start reading. The files may be somewhat monotonic to read, but you will find some good stuff in there.

Salerno was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment in 1978 on gambling and tax evasion charges. But I think he only served 6 months.
He had the misfortune to be convicted in the Commission case in 1986 while still indicted in another racketeering case. He was found guilty of those charges as well. So after been sentenced to 100 years in the Commission case, he was also (in 1988) sentenced to 70 years stemming from the second indictment.
Of all the defendants in the Commission trial, Salerno seemed oblivious to any strategies to fight. During his trial, he spent his free time during recesses munching away on chocolate bars. Once while awaiting the jury to return from lunch, a member of the prosecution team, in a friendly moment, offered Salerno a granola bar. "Better than all that chocolate you´re eating". Salerno waved the granola bar away and said "Who the fuck cares? I´m gonna die in the fucking can anyway".

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