Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
No, you cant. Nobody is sweeping anything under the rug. He can speak for himself on Fat Tony (and he has), I spoke on his credibility about the Colombo situation. Nothing more.

The Colombo situation? Have you read what he's posted. Or, I should say, he hasn't posted? He won't even be clear on the "Colombo situation."

He asks me who's the real underboss, implying he has inside info a lowly Googler like myself wouldn't know. When I ask for more info, he backpedals.

So what's he saying exactly that has so much credibility?

Biggest lie? Your response was the biggest lie, lets be serious here. You name a few posters who you get along with but you never name all the guys who are tired of your "i know everything about the mob and can back it up with google sources" attitude and the way you treat any of these "insiders" and also the number of posters you have managed to alienate, a number of them even at the insistence of others on a forum who ask you politely many times to cut it out you still continue.

First, you know damn well I've never claimed to know "everything" about the mob. So you can stick that strawman right now.

Second, I've never said anything about Google. I provide what public information I can find, including sources, so all can see. Which, the vast majority of the time, is a hell of a lot better than friggin' internet rumors based on jack shit.

Third, as I said, I butt heads wit most of these guys because most of them do exaggerate their level of knowledge. And, unlike others, I've never been afraid to call them on it.

Of course, that's when they turn to the "You're ruining the thread" card. Just make me out to be the bad guy. They usually do it about the time they realized they've lost and don't have shit to say.

Well go back and look who started this debate. It wasn't me.

That's exactly my point. It is what he has verified on a private level with information that has only been verified by other street guys you yourself have said to believe. Usually when a poster isn't clear, or refuses to post it publicly, 9 times out of 10 he is not saying the truth. But in this case, I have verified in private and through other "insiders" which you yourself have stated to believe what he has shared with me not just on this specific colombo situation but also stuff about various other individuals. He's under no obligation to post this information publicly, and neither am I since this information was shared privately with a very clear caveat to not share it publicly or otherwise.

I am done talking about this dead-horse.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.