They announced the OSCAR Nominees this morning and differ some from BAFTA

Once again, I gotta admit I have not seen any of the nominees. To be honest, the only ones that appeal to me are Lincoln and Argo. I am on the fence for Zero Dark Thirty though. For some reason, all the controversy as to whether or not it's accurate (the torture scenes)makes me not want to see it if it's not true. confused Yet, I probably will. I hear the torture scenes are horrific. Maybe not a good comparison, BUT can they be any worse then the scenes from "The Passion Of The Christ?" uhwhat I sat in the theater seat and had to take a couple deep breathes before leaving. It left me exhausted. LOL

Oh, and can't recall the title, but I thought Naomi Watts was a Nominee for actress in the movie about the Tsunami. That looks good as well.

As I understand it, it's unlikely that either Argo or Zero Dark Thirty will get best picture because neither director is nominated (Don't remember if Spielberg was). It's only happened once in a good number of years I hear.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon