Least he gave the fella half a shot. Most street disputes are settled with a gun.

Plenty of mob disputes too come to think of it.

Not defending the guy believe me I've seen the damage a blade can do at very close quarters.

This sort of shit seriously it surprises me when it don't happen more often than it does. You're a violent thug then you're in the right business way I see it if you have the propensity to use the blade or gun at the drop of a hat. How smart that this guy is is debatable by the sounds of it he's a bit cracked maybe on drugs I don't know. Either way plenty of guys who carry respect are complete assholes cos being a mean fuck is part of the game.

This guy's 40 now has previous for flashing the blade so don't sound like he's grown out of it but some guys don't, that's life. Bet there's still plenty of mob guys out there now began as young hot heads who didn't strictly adhere to a written code of conduct.

There is none on the streets. If 5 guys see you on your own and hold your arms while the other stick you then that's it, game over! No-one's gonna give a flying fuck. Gotti is a friggin hero to some for whacking a guy on his own in a bar three, four guys on one! So one guy and a knife is about the same odds and believe me grappling a guy with a blade can feel like two guys on one if not more.

By the sound of it the other fella got off lightly from the reading of it so we can be thankful for that much at least. Hope he makes the full recovery.

'So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.'

George Carlin