Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Well this morning shows why I don't like to pick winners before the nominations are announced. I would've figured Affleck and Bigelow would be the front-runners for Best Director but BOTH DIDN'T EVEN GET NOMINATED. Total shocker there.

Leo of course didn't get in. SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK is the first movie since REDS (1981) to earn a nomination in every acting category. DeNiro's first nod since CAPE FEAR.

Academy Award Nominee Bradley Cooper is just too weird for me to say out loud.

I would suggest Jones will win Supporting Actor won, but DeNiro could be the surprise. In fact I'm afraid of seriously picking against an overperforming son of a bitch like SLP in general (while ZERO DARK THIRTY underperformed.) The voters loved SLP apparently.

For Director, my gut says Spielberg will win his 3rd Directing Oscar for LINCOLN. But could Lee spoil? Could Russell win?

Another shocker: THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. Zero nods.

You were sensible then Ronnie lol i can't believe neither was nominated. I guess i'll need to change my pics then.

Best Picture -
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Django Unchained
Life of Pi
Les Miserables
Silver Linings Playbook
Zero Dark Thirty
- I'm changing to Slp since Affleck didn't get nominated i heard the critics love Amour though;

Best Director -
Michael Haneke – Amour
Ang Lee – Life of Pi
David O. Russell – Silver Linings Playbook
Steven Spielberg – Lincoln
Benh Zeitlin – Beasts of the Southern Wild
- David O. Russell – Silver Linings Playbook

Best Actor -
Bradley Cooper – Silver Linings Playbook
Daniel Day-Lewis – Lincoln
Hugh Jackman – Les Misérables
Joaquin Phoenix – The Master
Denzel Washington – Flight
- Daniel Day-Lewis – Lincoln

Best Actress -
Jessica Chastain – Zero Dark Thirty
Jennifer Lawrence – Silver Linings Playbook
Emmanuelle Riva – Amour
Quvenzhané Wallis – Beasts of the Southern Wild
Naomi Watts – The Impossible
- Jessica Chastain – Zero Dark Thirty

Best Supporting Actor -
Alan Arkin – Argo
Robert De Niro – Silver Linings Playbook
Philip Seymour Hoffman – The Master
Tommy Lee Jones – Lincoln
Christoph Waltz – Django Unchained
- Tommy Lee Jones – Lincoln

Best Supporting Actress -
Amy Adams – The Master
Sally Field – Lincoln
Anne Hathaway – Les Misérables
Helen Hunt – The Sessions
Jacki Weaver – Silver Linings Playbook
- Anne Hathaway – Les Misérables