The deficit is so big and it is going to get much much bigger by the end of Obama term. That the economy is likely to collapse by then.

There is no job creation to speak of. So taxes for every one has to keep going up and they will.

We are printing what could be a trillion dollars a year for the next 4 years. With nothing to back that up.

Wait to you see how that effects the food prices and the cost of buying anything will also go up.

It is not a 2 percent increase in SS. It was always that amount. When Obama took office he raided SS and used that to give workers that extra 2 percent tale home pay. That ended this years that all.

We have things we can do to create more jobs in the private sector. But Obama won't do it. Hey I did not vote for him either time other people did. Now your stuck with him.

More and more people are going on public assistance and many more will be added.

Our grand children will be living in an interesting new world.

Real millian aires the new tax rate is about 80 thousand more a year. That means nothing to them.

But middle class tax heights us a big deal to them and that has to happen so good luck you will need it. By the time it get really bad mostly likely I will be dead

Only the unloved hate