Homework for AP Art History:

David A. Barrios
Period 5

Chapter 1

• incise: To cut on a surface with a sharp instrument.
• twisted perspective: A convention of representation in which part of a figure is shown in profile and another part of the same figure is shown frontally.

1. Humans began intentionally creating art in 30,000 B.C.E.
2. Animals and women were the most popular subjects of paliolithic artists.
3. The work in Figure 1-3 can either be a man in a feline head or perhaps a sorcerer or magician.
4. Three caves: Altamira in Spain; Apollo 11 cave in Namibia & Lascaux (sp?) in France. By painting them in such deep caverns, our forefathers felt that they would trap the animal spirits there and ensure the survival of the heard.
5. What organization pattern in Altamira? There is no group organization or linear pattern at the site. They are “just there” in their very essence. The artist’s view point: the seemingly dead bulls are seen from and aerial view while the live ones are seen from a level view.
6. a. Negative: the painter placed one hand against the wall and then brushed or blew or spat pigment around it.
b. positive: when the painter dripped a hand in the pigment and then pressed it against the wall, leaving what we call a “positive” imprint.
c. They were thought to be artist signatures.
7. a. Using Colored Silhouettes
b. Twisted Perspective
8. The differences in style and technique alone suggest that the Animals in the Hall of Bulls were painted at different times.
• Lintel: A beam used to span the opening
• Megalith: Greek for “great stone”. A large, roughly hewn stone used in the construction of monumental prehistoric structures.
• Terracotta: Hard-baked clay, used fpr sculpture and as a building material. It may be glazed or painted.

9. a. Stonehenge
b. Jericho

10. The earliest stone fortifications were at Jericho.
11. Çatal Höyük is well known for its shrines and paintings.
12. The figure in 1-15 may be a spiritual item since it was buried so ceremoniously.
13. Humans and Deer are the most prominent part of the Çatal Höyük paintings. The technique is the composite technique.
14. a. Monumental Architecture; for defense of cities
b. Monumental Sculpture: change from figurines to statuettes and statues.
c. Narrative painting

15. ca. 2550-1600 is the approximate date of construction for Stonehenge. It was supposed to be an observatory and sundial for the people.

Madness! Madness!
- Major Clipton
The Bridge On The River Kwai

GOLD - GOLD - GOLD - GOLD. Bright and Yellow, Hard and Cold, Molten, Graven, Hammered, Rolled, Hard to Get and Light to Hold; Stolen, Borrowed, Squandered - Doled.
- Greed

Nothing Is Written
Lawrence Of Arabia