Originally Posted By: TheKillingJoke
Aaaah the new style of British gangsters...
Gone are the old school mobsters that still had something resembling a moral code, in are the new style moralless brutal hoods. They have been sprouting up in smaller cities like Nottingham, Bristol, Essex,...but also Liverpool and Greater Manchester.
Sick that he hunted down the parents of someone he fell out with. These people did nothing wrong.

90s was much worse than it is today, my city Manchester was really bad in the 90s, now its all yuppy, nice restaurants, shops etc. Also you had the firm operating in the 90s, Pat Tate, Tony Tucker. The Adams family too was more active in the 80s and 90s than now. Generally crime is down in the UK, Murders in London have dropped under 150 in recent years, it maxed out in about 03 at over 200.