Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
Ivy, if i believed half of yojr bad information I would be in trouble! Your so out of touch its scary. Your a million miles away and have no clue. Everyone has an agenda when they tell a story. Tony had more juice in his pinky than you coukd ever hope to have. Like I said if this took place in the mountains of Utah you would be all for that!
this is getting old. what do you disagree with, what info to the contrary do you have to present? if you have inside info, either present it, or stop claiming to know something others don't. geography has nothing to do with mob info, except for the "ear to the street" that so many claim to have, and if you are not willing to share detailed info, just stop. i've said it before, but apparantly it bears repeating: we are all anoynomous here, so trying to discredit someone based soley on where they live is just silly. i live in nj, but guess what, i don't have a clue what the genovese family is up to, yet i could easily claim otherwise, very easy to do online.

EH, i enjoy some of your posts, but it seems lately that you seem more focused on discrediting other posters, rather than adding your own info. when ivy stopped posting here, the OC section of this forum took a nosedive, and thats a fact! rather than trying to dump on other people, i think we should all try and add useful info of our own, avoid rehashing old topics, and above all else, be NICE!
