Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
Wouldn't you be! He spent ten years in the can! He's got all his kids out of college! Plenty of money! A few good friends etc. He also got left a bad taste in his mouth when they killed his best friend (Ralph Coppola) and tried to fuck with his life! There was a lot of older guys envious of Barney, so when he went away they took there shots. Especially that midget Jimmy Ida! Little creep he was. Remember Barney was an East Harlem guy, everyone knows that's where all the real power was and all the best guys in the family came from!

Ida was supposedly pissed about Bellomo for taking the plea deal, one article even claiming he wanted Barney dead, but who else wanted to or actually took shots at Barney?

I'm still on the fence regarding whether he signed off on Ralph's murder or not.

THERE IS NO WAY! HE WOULD HAVE NEVER TOUCHED Ralphie! Killing Ralphie cut Barney's conduit to the street! Those two were tighter than brother.

Ida was mad because he tried to play a hard ass and go to court, he lost and got life! Barney was shrewd took a deal and got to go home. Ida thought by Barney pleading guilty it made everyone else look guilty! No idea if that's true! I guess it could look bad!

Other names of who was mad! Truthfully I can't recall! It's been a while. If I had to guess I'm going to say it was Barbato! That is a guess though. I remember it was A Jersey old timer

"Because I'm the Boss"

Tony Salerno