Originally Posted By: Revis_Island
Are the luccehse's, Colombo's and bonannos in good shape? Do you have an estimated amount of income each of the 5 families are grossing annually? I know Ralphie Perna in jersey(he's with the luccehse's)made an estimated $2.2 billion over a span of 15 moths from illegal gamblin operations. BILLION lol. In know that's hard to believe but the prosecutor was the one who said that's how much he grossed.

That's a ridiculous exaggeration by an overzealous prosecutor. The Feds count every single bet as if there are no bets offsetting them. In other words, if the Yankees are playing the Mets, and the Mets get a million in action and the Yankees get a million in action, the Feds call that a TWO million dollar gross. It's for headlines. It's bullshit. The Feds also fail to recognize the fact that not all of that money is collectable. There are plenty of deadbeats out there. And contrary to popular opinion, a lot of them get away with it.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.