Massino acknowledged that he gave the order to kill Bonanno capo Gerlando "George from Canada" Sciascia - despite his fondness for the gangster - because Sciascia had murdered the son of a made man in Canada.

The cross-examination of a Mafia turncoat started quietly and predictably enough on Thursday. Joseph C. Massino, the former boss of the Bonanno crime family, spoke matter-of-factly about having to kill one of his closest associates, simply because he had disobeyed protocol.
“As much as I didn’t want to kill him,” Mr. Massino said of the 1999 murder of Gerlando Sciascia, “I had to kill him.”

Mr. Massino admitted that he had lied to the crime family about his involvement in the murder of Mr. Sciascia (known as George from Canada) in 1999, whose body was dumped on a Bronx street.

Here a random tidbit about Massino after he was jailed.

According to Massino, he set up a panel to run the family while he was in jail that includeed Anthony "TG" Graziano, a capo named "Peter Rabbit" and the another named " Joe Saunders" otherwise known as Joseph Cammarano. Vitale was to be removed as underboss,which he was.

It was in prison in 2004 that Mr. Massino learned from his lawyer that Mr. Basciano had appointed himself the acting boss. He acknowledged that he also heard that the “word on the street” was that the captains were unhappy with Mr. Basciano’s leadership because “he thinks he’s John Gotti.”
Under questioning from Mr. Goltzer, Mr. Massino conceded that Mr. Basciano had shown disrespect by appointing himself acting boss, since Mr. Massino was technically still the boss even while in prison. He added that he could have ordered Mr. Basciano killed, but that by that time he was already cooperating with the government.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.