Originally Posted By: SEAN_SOUTH
Originally Posted By: TheKillingJoke
Thnx for the info !
I have heard alot about the IRA being a major force in organized crime. I have once read a book 'Judas Pig' that was written by an ex-gangster from London and tells some of the heavy dealings of the 'Hunt' firm from Canning Town ( East End London ), a presumably succesful ( and outrageously viscious) criminal group that has managed to stay under the radar. The firm regularly had dealings with the Real IRA in the drugs and weapon trade, eventhough the firm were British East Enders. Money talks, bullshit walks apparently lol

You got it KJ. The paper still green right? Even if it do have the head of the damn Queen on it.

It's not only the case between Irish and British mobsters. Serb and Albanian, Russian and Chechen,...gangsters have all worked together as long as some descent profit could be made from the cooperation. In that respect organized crime really brings cultures together lol