Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
Remember when it was those Iraqi guys doing it back in 2003 to Americans? Nick Berg? I was stunned by that, played it on the news (not the actual killing) Was about 14 at the time left a mark on me, couldn't imagine that fear of knowing its about to happen.

I remember those things too it was horrible for me I was young also. But in Mexico they seem to do it all the time over drug and power conflicts, with video tapes on the internet. Now I started reading one book about them - El Narco, some guy who was an executioner said there:

"You learn a lot of forms of torture. To a point you enjoy carrying them out. We laughed at people’s pain—at the way we tortured them. There are many forms of torture. Cutting off arms, decapitating. This is a very strong thing. You decapitate someone and have no feeling, no fear."

They laughed... I don't know what kind of people are these, I can't even watch it on video.