Yes, my Dad drove a truck and would see him running a lot. There was an article written in SI years and years ago that detailed his training schedule.

He like to fight in the early spring and him an his team would go to Province Town, at the tip of the Cape, and take the whole hotel over. It was closed in the winters anyway and Marvin would only allow about a half dozen guys to go out there with him. He ran 12 miles a day on the beach in deep sand with those same army boots and rumor is he ran 6 miles forward and 6 backwards.

He would shuttle in sparing partners a week at time and they used the ballroom to set up the ring. It was total solitude and got him in the right frame of mind.

I also heard that he shaved his head about a week before the fight so by the time he got in the ring it would be just grown in enough that it was like sandpaper and he would rake his head across your chest during fights, lol...

I read somewhere that the Rocky to Siberia idea was taken from Marvin training out in P-town.

"In onore della Famiglia la Famiglia e' aperta"