Tommy the cops think this was retaliation for the hit on Alan Ryan last September. Now Alan Ryan's death was a big setback for the Real IRA as he was a leader who was very well loved by some very important people in the IRA movement and Bobby Sands sister's political campaigning website of the 32 County Sovereign Movement carried out a public and anguished eulogy to his life. Anyone who knows the Irish history knows Bobby Sands is a legend to the IRA cause.

Eamon Kelly was no slouch but he weren't no angel. Thing is in Dublin the IRA are looking to squeeze out the historical families in the area and are not looking to do any deals. Its there way or the highway and no compromise. The Real IRA have a hold over a substantial portion of OC but in Limerick they have struggled to get a foothold and in Dublin the local guys ain't willing to hand over the whole show. So we have reprisals and counter-reprisals and it goes on and on. You're right it does take balls to stand up to the Real IRA but when you face the IRA chances are you're gonna get whacked anyway cos it ain't too often they let people walk off into the sunset. "I've given up the gig". Nah fuck you we don't believe you pop a coupla slugs as a retirement gift etc... When army, cops and journos are legitimate targets who gives a fuck bout croaking a gangster? Thats the way they see it and that's the game (or patriot game as my ol man used to pay the record back in the day).

Anyway, this is how hard it hit them and this was printed on the official website for the political movement that is the voicebox of the Real IRA: "The 32 County Sovereignty Movement wishes to extend our heartfelt sympathy to the Ryan familly following the cowardly murder of our friend, comrade and activist Alan Ryan. Alan was shot in the back in cold blood on the streets where he grew up, streets where he had worked tirelessly to tackle the scourge of drugs which he had always opposed with every fibre of his being. We cannot express in words the pain now felt by both the movement as a whole and individual activists now that he has been taken from us. Alan's murder does not mean the end of the cause for which he gave his life. Whether it was as an ex Republican prisoner campaigning for his comrades in Maghaberry, or as an anti drugs activist protecting his community Alan set an example which will be followed. He will not be forgotten by his comrades who remain and who will carry on his legacy as resolutely as he did the legacy of others who fell before him".

^^^^^^ This more likely than not is the reason why Eamon Kelly is no longer with us today. Thats what the word is anyhow it aint a secret even from the cops themselves.

Such was the bad feeling that a journalist was threatened couple a months back now. Apparently some big time Gaelic sports star was seen at the funeral and someone blabbed. Since his death there has been a big step up in this campaign:- [url=][/url]

Believe it or not the 32 County movement also has the website in Italian. Not sure I can post the link cos of the sensitive nature of the material so I won't. Just found that kinda strange. Spanish I could understand with the South America connection but Italian? WHo knew they gave a rats ass?

Last edited by SEAN_SOUTH; 01/03/13 12:19 AM.

'So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.'

George Carlin