Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
Originally posted by Patrick:
[b] Jesus Christ dude. You need to fucking stick up for yourself. You should have gotten right up after he blindsided you and kicked his fucking ass. That would have been self defense. Stop taking people's shit.
Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
I was able to fight him off...and I got back up to my feet. When we finally got face to face...he decided to walk away.
C'mon...be easy on Pat. Everyone knows he never reads through entire posts before posting. wink [/b]
No. I read it through. You fought him off of you he said. You didn't say you got him off of you and kicked his ass. Look dude. I was out by a pay phone a few years ago and this motherfucker came from behind me and started beating me with the fucking phone. You know what I did? I beat his fucking ass. My head hurt like fucking hell, but I know his whole body was numb when I got through with the son of a bitch.

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur