Originally Posted By: tommykarate
Dam I love goin thru the old posts on here.its even betr when people make n ass out themselves. Id b more willing to believe accardo was an informant then he wasn't the power in chitown.and I get that the outfit didn't always use a ceremony but almost200 made guys.c'mon that's jus crazy

I've always thought that about Accardo reluctantly! On the surface he just seemed to be very smart. Then you read Roemers book and it's just way to cozy sounding! Roemer or any agent for that matter shouldn't sound with so much flattery! I mean Roemer was the FBI and he's bragging for 40 years he couldn't get Accardo! If Accardo was a stoolie then it's almost as sad as finding out Santa Claus wasn't real. Accardo is the poster boy for what any aspiring street guy should want to be. He was shrewd, loyal, not a PIG like you see so many today, very business savvy! Hope it's not true.

"Because I'm the Boss"

Tony Salerno