Originally Posted By: azguy
I grew up in a suburban Italian area outside of Boston; actually Italian and Irish, virtually everyone was catholic. We would see all of our friends and neighbors at church on Saturday night or Sunday morning.

Most front yards had statues of Madonna's and everyone other house grew summer vegetables, some of the old timers even made wine.

People supported the church and I can remember my mother picking tomatoes and cucumbers and sending me up the the rectory to drop them off to the nuns.

A few guys in the area were connected, they were the ones with the nice cars and bought there kids the newest and best of everything. But they were also generous withe the church and the elderly in the area. I can remember one guy, he paid me to shovel a few of the elderly people driveways and sidewalks. At first my mother objected but my dad overruled her.

Life was simple, ah I miss those days.

Wow you guys had front yards? Lucky bastards. Ya I remember those Madonnas in the half buried bathtubs. Speaking of homemade wine . We had an old guy that lived on Border st that had a magnificent grape vine in his backyard that he used to make his vino from . We snuck in there one night and helped ourselves to some of his grapes when all of a sudden **baboom** . We screwed out of there like shit through a goose and ran down to the docks so we could pick the rocksalt out of the backs of our arms and legs. Good times though..

Colin Sullivan: "What Freud said about the Irish is: We're the only people who are impervious to psychoanalysis."

Cincotti said: "They don't have the scruples that we have." Zannino agreed. "You know how I knew they weren't Italiano? When they bombed the fucking house. We don't do that."