The House needs to approve this compromise by Thursday or then they have to start all over as that is when the new Congress in sworn in... this whole thing just continues to get interesting.

Ronnie, what do you think of the deal?

Krugman hit the nail on the head when he said this, IMO. He was referring to Obama's insistence on $250K and estate taxes.

“Anyone looking at these negotiations, especially given Obama’s previous behavior, can’t help but reach one main conclusion: whenever the president says that there’s an issue on which he absolutely, positively won’t give ground, you can count on him, you know, giving way – and soon, too,"

Sad thing is this whole brinksmanship thing will happen again when the debt ceiling needs to be increased in a few months. Even for a political junkie like myself, I am tired of all this shit. Makes me glad I came back to NYC and didnt go to DC when I finished business school last May.

Last edited by Dapper_Don; 01/01/13 06:27 PM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.