Club for Growth has come out against the compromise.

EDIT - so has Heritage, FreedomWorks, and FRC.

I bring this up because as both sides do have these special interest groups, there is real difference: Liberals hated the compromise, yet 51 of the 89 votes passing it were Democrats, who control that chamber. Traditional American politics when the Party in the White House with chamber leadership use their muscle to get something passed even if the party body aren't fond of it. They'll grumble about Obama caving in, but so what? They're not going to do anything about it.

On the other side, the special interest groups have clear more power and influence than the party chamber leadership itself in the House. It's why Jim DeMint quit the Senate to run Heritage.

If the House GOP doesn't hold a vote today, they'll get massacred in the papers tomorrow. I think Boehner's escape route is to just hold an up and down vote. Sure it'll break that precious Hastert Rule, but so what? Make the Dems try to carry this bill since I'm not sure there'll be enough House GOPers to vote for it to passage on their own.

Mind you this compromise, in a reality ignored by the leftist blogs, has NO Spending cuts but raises taxes.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 01/01/13 02:31 PM.