My credo:

"I’m definitely very interested in experimenting with exactly what is the common definition of a film. I’m looking to truly try to push the medium of film to it’s maximum potential as the complete combination of all other art forms. I want to do large sections of films using only music, I want to sometimes cut out the audio at random in a scene to emphasize certain things. I want to mess with chronology and sense of place of the viewers. I want to confuse and yet delight them. I want to insert a half hour long surreal dream sequence in the middle of a movie about a high school drug dealer. I want to challenge viewer’s perceptions of the meaning of life and sex and death and all in between. I want to inspire others while also overwhelming them. I want to be misunderstood by some and massively appreciated by others. I want to define for someone what exactly is a good film. I want to direct the hell out of a scene. I want to find that perfect shot. I want to change someone’s life by making a movie. I want to perfect the art form and yet be different from everything else within it. I want to experiment and never be complacent or unoriginal. I WANT TO MAKE SOME FUCKING MOVIES."

I dream in widescreen.