Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
DickNose i hear Rio de Janeiro is pretty nice this time of year, maybe you should consider "relocating".wink

The way i understand the law down there is if you knock up a Brazilian woman and she gives birth they won't deport you. I remember reading that in the case against that guy in cali, Jesse James Hollywood. His problem was his girlfriend didn't give birth before they grabbed him, but if she did he would of been left alone since he would of been the father of a Brazilian child.

Anyone else remember that about Brazil? Just a thought DickNose.

Yeah I saw that's a crazy story for anyone who hasn't heard of it they can rent Alpha Dog lol I saw the one special they make him out like some little turd in the movie but in real life he was a big dude he could handle himself.. The mom whose played by Sharon Stone tried killing herself like 15 times and didn't want the movie released well she finally came to terms with it I saw she did a 30 min segment with ID Discovery in which she promoted her book "Stolen Boy" about her son. If I remember right there was in an erriee striking resemblance between the actor that played her son and the kid himself

Random Poster:"I'm sorry I didn't go to an Ivy-league school like you"

"Ah I actually I didn't. It's a nickname the feds gave the
Genovese Family."