Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

A home invasion of a drug dealer who got shot.

Charges are...
Consiparacy,A few Gun Charges , Breaking and Entering, Burglary,Aggravated Assault, Simple Assault, Burglary,

Jesus Christ DickNose, those are some real bad charges. Use of a firearm in the commission of a crime where the victim got shot? Real bad charge. Even worse is the Home Invasion where the victim was wounded.

As soon as you get full discovery you should get a good feel for the case, You'll know if you can beat it or not. But those charges could be real trouble. If you don't think you can beat the case then i highly recommend cutting a plea deal. If you're found guilty on all those charges after a trial the judge will show you no mercy. Armed home invasion is a VERY serious charge.

Shit, sorry to hear about your problems. Good luck in court.