Originally Posted By: Big Alex
Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
I know we have posters from all over the World on here. But as far as criminal defense attorneys there are good ones,bad ones and list could go on... I'm throwing this out there because I'm getting a bit weary of one of my my co-defendants attorney. The case had been delayed for over three years now. It's got to the point where I'm fed up since it has been drug out for so long.I'm in a complicated spot. I feel that there have been conflict of interest that when addressed could have directly had the case thrown out but then again these guys see each other everyday they have to work together on cases and with this particular case I feel as I'm going to get thrown under the bus considered I didn't turn Stoolie like one has..another co-defendant of mine is a millionaire that's what has me on edge.. I have a feeling that my attorney hasn't been effective enough and never considered filing any motions that I think would be effective in helping me ....
1. Ask yourself what evidence there is against you; the general rule is that a conviction will not stand only on the testimony of a co-conspirator. In other words, there must be evidence other then the testimony of this fellow who fingered you. What is that?

2. Evidence held by the State/Feds is available to you & your lawyer thru Discovery. Motions for Discovery should be filed & heard by the Court prior to trial. NOT, on the day of trial. Ask your lawyer what motions he/she has filed; if he has not done this ask him to or otherwise. Be sure to include a request for state's Witness list, this will show you who the State intends to subpoena.

3. Be sure to have your own Subpoena list filed & served on time.

4. Delay is a time proven tactic for Defense; ppl forget, die, move on with their lives.

5. There are a lotta crap lawyers out there - Be sure that you don't have one of them.

After I read the discovery I felt pretty confident that I could beat the case but just recently they introduced new evidence that doesn't look good. I have to hire a specialist now, regarding that matter. My lawyer has filed a motion to not let them use the evidence...I find it very shady the way things are played out. I do have a good attorney he has been around for 40 years hes represented mobsters,murderers, politicians, Professional Athletes,as well as cops.

Random Poster:"I'm sorry I didn't go to an Ivy-league school like you"

"Ah I actually I didn't. It's a nickname the feds gave the
Genovese Family."