Originally Posted By: Scalish
We are still feeling that scam here in Canada. Still today most of our stores don't except $100 bills sometimes they won't even except $50.

We do have new bills now starting to come out it is so thin and sticks together stupid in my opinion.

The point is they are now starting to except these as they are new and feel no one can counterfeit it or it is to soon.

It was around 12 years ago so i don't doubt they made the currency more secure. Same thing down here in the states, a bunch of new anti counterfeiting measures with the new bill's.

What made that case so good was that his $100's at the time passed all the tests for counterfeiting that were available at the time he was printing them, and from what i remember he did it all on a desktop pc with some decent software like photoshop. Same thing with the guys in LA, i'm pretty sure they used a pc and photoshop too. I think the latest printers, scanners and photoshop have some security measures built into them so that they can't be used to make currency. You actually get a warning that it's illegal to counterfeit or something like that when you try to scan a bill. I've read that a couple times over the past couple of years.