Can we PLEASE get this discussion back on track?

H.W. Bush was a master geopolitical strategist. He wisely and skillfully led the West's response to the dismantling of the Soviet Union, providing critical support to Gorbachev and Yeltsin when neo-Communists threatened to oust them. He also enlisted former Soviet satellites in NATO, preventing the resurgence of another Russian empire. When Saddam Hussein knocked over Kuwait, he forthrightly declare: "This shall not stand." He put together a 34-nation coalition (including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and...Syria!) to stand against Saddam. By the time he got through, only Arafat and Khaddafi stood with Sadam. He convinced Israel, whose very existence was threatened by Saddam, to stand down lest his coalition unravel. He hit him with shock and awe, minimizing American casualties. And, he had the good sense (which his son lacked) to get out--"no oe appointed the US to govern Iraq."

He also negotiated major, multilateral cuts in strategic nukes with Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, and helped them to dismantle their missiles and warheads. He moved against Noriega in Panama and brought him to justice. The Madrid conference, which he helped put in place, brought Israel and Palestinian reps in face to face negotiations for the first time. That's quite a positive record.

Alas, his domestic record wasn't anywhere near as good. He said during the campaign, "Watch my lips-no new taxes," then had to raise taxes to the dismay of his own party. He had an unempathetic response to a mild recession and rising unemployment that made many think he just didn't care. And, his starchy manner in public didn't help him.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.