Originally Posted By: merlino
My brother lives in Hollywood and said the Armenians as you have stated are nothing to mess with and are the real deal out there, he has several of his buddies that are in with them and told me its just better to be on their side out in Hollywood

This is true. I lived in east Hollywood for 2 years. Literally 2 blocks away from little Armenia, which is the founding turf of the street gang armenian power. They have a strong presence.. Funny they all live in shitty apartments or small houses but are all driving the newest Mercedes and bmw's. Ran into literally a 16 year old at the gas station trying to hustle gas. He had like 35 schemed debit cards with the pin numbers written down on a little sheet of paper and was trying to fill up peoples tanks full of gas for like $20 cash. I bullshitted with him for a few minutes and he gave me a full tank of gas on my audi for free. I mean if you have such young kids doing those type of schemes you could imagine what the older most established criminals are pulling off.