Originally Posted By: TheKillingJoke
Thanks for the answer. I've read about the Armenian Power, they also seem to have connections to 'Russian' crime figures who are probably of Armenian ethnicity.
I knew Lebanese are highly active in Australia and I've also heard about some reports about Lebanese activity in Detroit. I didn't know they were active on the West Coast though.
Persian gang activity I knew was centered in Vancouver (Tahvili for instance), but outside of that the Persians -unlike Armenians and Lebanese- aren't really known to me for having hardcore gangsters.
Are the Lebanese and Persian groups involved in violent crime on the West Coast ? Or are they more involved in white collar scams and non-violent smuggling ?

In Europe Turkish and Kurdish groups have a reputation for extreme violence, as have the Assyrians and the Maghrebi Berbers. In Belgium -where I live- the Maghrebis are still mostly low-level criminals often doing crazy, risky shit for some quick bucks and they often get caught. In the Netherlands and France there are quite some Maghrebis who have slipped in the more organized criminal activities. In France they mostly are part of groups which also consist of Manush/Gypsy gangsters and/or Corsicans. In the Netherlands the more organized Moroccan criminals are also often part of mobs which consist of native Dutch, Surinamese, Antillean and Moluccan gangsters.

Yeah I would say in order or seriousness it goes armenians, lebanese and then persians.. You're right armenians and armenian power specifically is connected with top russian mob figures also know as a "vors" or "theif in laws".. There is tons on stuff on google if you type in armenian power or armenian mafia.. All the ones I know are strictly into white colar big money shit, but at the same time they won't pass up an oppurtunity to make money.. The armenians can be pretty violent.