OH, Big Blue, please don't win next week and back-door your way into the playoffs. Today's loss to the Ravens just exemplified how far you have fallen. The defense is weak. Goodbye Perry Fewell. The players are getting old. Umenyiora, your time is past. Tuck, sorry you're not healthy enough to be a threat. The linebackers, below average. DBs, some bright spots, but too many injuries.
Offense, offensive. Gilbride, you should have been gone years ago. Boring. Eli, not sure who shows up every week. OL, old. RBs, not your fault (Gilbride). Special teams, better this year.

Get rid of Gilbride and Fewell, draft some OLs, DLs, LBs and DBs.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12