Did anybody watch any of that NRA Press conference yesterday?

The call for cops/armed guards in schools is a good start, but merely a bandaid by itself. Couple it with the other reform measures suggested, i.e. ban assault weapons, close some Brady Bill loopholes, tighten up measures to make sure loons don't get a piece, etc.

But otherwise, Jesus Christ. I fully expected them to give cookie cutter, ameniable talk of "finding common answers to these problems" and whether they're would'be been serious about any reform (they aren't), poltiically they would've try to run out the clock and let the public lose interest and move onto another issue or news event.

Instead victimization was the name of the game. We're the real victims of this tragedy. Not all those dead kids, WE ARE! Then going off about how violent movies and video games are to blame for that tragedy. Yes because that's always (I mean never) worked for liberals whenever they try to pull that card. Remember many people at one time wanted to ban the Three Stooges because of their "violence" and kids poking each other's eyes. rolleyes

Then it gets just weird.

"...another dirty little truth that the media try their best to conceal: There exists in this country, sadly, a callous and corrupting shadow industry that sells violence against its people,” including video games, movies and music videos. “Isn’t fantasizing about killing people as a way to get your kicks really the filthiest form of pornography?”

Yes an evil conspiracy that are the REAL culprits! OK let's say this is true just for a moment. Using this logic, wouldn't you be doing everything possible to KEEP guns from people's hands and not help and enable this evil shady conspiracy? How bizarre, I'm sure for a handful of people it makes perfect sense except for the rest of us it comes off as pure gibberish and crazytalk.

Even the right wing NYP (rightfully) shit on that press conference.