Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
australia is far from a success story...

Cutting down homicide isn't a good thing? Explain that logic to me. Better yet, look at the big broad picture. Would we prefer less massacres, no? Australia, not to insult you my friend, isn't exactly the 3rd world. If geographically displaced, it's part of the Western world. I refuse to say they're just like us, but they're close.

With your logic, you would argue that Desegregation was bad. Why? Because (and this is a fact) it cost countless blacks jobs in private and public sectors once that niche economic marketplace was voided and inevitably swamped by the bigger, more powerful (and white) corporate/public mainstream. BAD! BAD! NOT A SUCCESS STORY!!!!!!!!

Would you really argue that? Of course not. Why? Because in the end ending segregation we consider a good thing and worth it ultimately. Big picture friend, don't get hanged up on blots.

Utopia (as per the name when translated) is impossible as per your precious criteria. You're not that naive. I (and most folks) prefer to have less of a problem. Unless you really do think the status quo is a 'success story'?

Reminds me of politics whenever an incumbent party claims the job rate is (allegedly) going down and the opposition will whine that NOT ENOUGH jobs are being created.

There is legitimate criticism, and then there is pure whine. Would you like red or white?