If you read back a few pages, I mentioned video games. My daughter just did her psych rotation in nursing school and had to do an in-depth research paper. Her hypothesis was that overexposure to those shoot 'em up video games made one more violent. Every study that she found proved her wrong. While they desensitized the players to violence, they did not make them behave violently.

As for the freedoms, everything comes with responsibility. If you own a car, you must get it inspected annually, you need to have insurance, you must study to get your license, you can't drive recklessly. Why? Because, as my driver's ed instructor told me, a car is a lethal weapon and you must operate it safely. If you don't, you lose the right to drive it.

What oversight is there in place once you own a gun? I don't believe that you need to have insurance in case you accidentally shoot someone, or if someone borrows your gun and shoots someone in the leg. Do you? Do you need to bring your gun somewhere to have it inspected once a year? Is there such a thing as SWI, shooting while impaired, since many hunting trips also involve beer? Please, inform me of all the tight controls that are in place to protect others from THESE lethal weapons.

As for the second amendment, it refers to a well-armed militia, not a well-armed suburbanite. Also, when it was written, I'm pretty sure that the founders were thinking of MUSKETS not assault rifles or handguns with 30 round clips. These are military weapons that have no place in the home.

Our children are being senselessly slaughtered and don't tell me that anything is more important that putting an end to that.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club