Originally Posted By: Rompipalle
PB you dont watch the shoes because stereotyping? stereotyping what italians? alot of italians from NY and jersey are like that its not stereotyping if thats how they really are. Im 100% italian not saying i act like they do and im not sticking up for them but its annoying everyone says that. a better reason not to watch the show is its pointless.

a lot of black guys sell drugs.you think the naacp would stand up for a reality show about the wives [lol.] of black drug dealers while they spend drugmoney and get into fist fights? come on.

as far as the kid,give him a break.hes 22.,your living for today.you dont give two shits about college or that shit.

t.g.-shelved?nah.lol. whos going to put him on the shelf?t.v.?lol. id like to see him even bring it up to him.lol.