Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
It's cool, FF. I like you. This is just a pretty volatile subject, that's all. And I remember you mentioning the South awhile back. Didn't you write that you feel more comfortable when you're outside of the Northeast? Or did I dream that? lol
nope, you didn't dream it, very sharp memory grampa smile i love the more independent spirit that seems to exist there, and i feel more at home there. that's why i've been doing my best to save as much money as i can so that sooner rather than later i can move there. i don't like when people shit on people from down there either, as regardless of what anybody thinks about the "good ole' boys", they are the ones protecting us overseas. granted soldiers come from all over, but a very large % come from down south!

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!