Originally Posted By: Scorsese
What role do russian neo nazi gangs play?Are they powerful?
i heard their pretty active and also are they in favour with the general public and police?
Sorry for the long answer, man.

Anyway, neo nazi gangs play the role to fight against other ethnicities in Russia, generally that happens in Moscow.

They are not so powerful, I got two friends living over the Ural mountains in Chelyabinsk and Magnitorsk, what they stated to me - In the 2000's there were nazi's around, then they usually got beaten up very hard and so on, so they didn't have any big force. The people who were doing this were small time criminals(gopniki) now in these days these gopniki already have their own things going on and they make good money.

Some Russians support these gangs, there's even politicians who support them. But the general public doesn't. Due to all the ethnic disputes there's been a lot of killings when Russian nazi's kill some Caucasians or Caucasians kill Russians.

The big role is now played by higher organized groups that concentrate on making money, not beating Kyrgyz old ladies in the metro.

However these nazi gangs have got big trainings, they have their own gyms where they train in hand to hand combat, they train also in military and so on.